Skiing on a Familiar Trail Ended Unexpectedly with a Collision & 8 Broken Ribs

P.T. has skied the Flying Dutchman at Keystone many times. During her run on February 10, 2016, P.T. was making short, controlled turns and was clearly visible to uphill skiers also skiing this more difficult “blue square” run. P.T.was struck from behind and on the right by the Defendant, John Joseph. As a direct result of the collision, she sustained a fractured clavicle, eight broken ribs and 10 fractures, a collapsed right lung, blood and fluids in the chest cavity, pneumothorax, and blunt chest trauma.

P.T. and Mr. Joseph entered into mediation in October 2016. A settlement was reached at the end of the month which covered the accident related injuries, damages, and losses suffered by Ms. Tamas. The settlement awarded $275,000 in liability coverage and $10,000 in medical payment coverage, for a total of $285,000.00.